Artificial Intelligence in Education: Supporting Teachers, Revolutionizing Learning
Kai-Fu Lee, AI expert
Aprendemos Juntos 2030. (October 7, 2020). How AI will help teacher. Kai-Fu Lee, AI experto [Video]. Youtube.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming many aspects of our lives, including education. In this blog post, we will analyze how AI can improve teaching and promote the development of vital skills in students. We will draw on ideas from AI expert Kai-Fu Lee presented in the "We Learn Together 2030" video series.
How can AI help teachers be more efficient?
Kai-Fu Lee explains that AI can collaborate with teachers in personalizing learning and automating repetitive and administrative tasks. This way, educators can focus on vital skills such as creativity, teamwork, and communication.
The current education system and the need for change
The current education system focuses on industrial education and the training of economic labor. Teachers who try to implement different approaches are often limited by the system. It is necessary to revolutionize education and focus on important life skills.
The importance of the socioemotional aspect in education
AI cannot completely replace teachers, as the socioemotional aspect is essential in education. Human development in values, curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking is crucial and does not depend on technology.
Teacher training and adaptation to new educational paradigms
It is essential that educators train and be willing to learn new educational paradigms to adapt to the changes brought about by technology. Only then can they make the most of the advantages that AI offers in the educational field.

AI can be a valuable tool to support teachers in automating tasks and personalizing learning, but human development in values and vital skills is fundamental and does not depend on technology. Educators must be willing to learn new educational paradigms to adapt to the changes brought about by technology and thus revolutionize the current education system.